Photo credit: Sabrina Li
B.S. in Physics, Harvey Mudd College, 2017
Maya is a Ph.D. student researching growth mechanisms of complex crystal structures using molecular dynamics simulations. Prior to joining the Dshemuchadse group, she worked in experimental soft matter physics, studying grain boundary dynamics in 2D colloidal crystals.
M. M. Martirossyan, M. Spellings, H. Pan, J. Dshemuchadse, “Local Structural Features Elucidate Crystallization of Complex Structures”, ACS Nano, published online (2024).
(dataset openly available)
(code openly available)
(preprint openly available)
M. M. Martirossyan, H. Du, J. Dshemuchadse, C. X. Du, “A snapshot review on soft materials assembly design utilizing machine learning methods”, MRS Advances, published online (2024).
R. N. Scott, C. E. Frank, M. M. Martirossyan, P. J. Milner, J. Dshemuchadse, “Two-Dimensional Metal–Organic Framework Self-Assembly and Defect Engineering Studied via Coarse-Grained Simulations”, Chemistry of Materials 35 (23), 10050–10059 (2023).
(dataset openly available)
C. E. Cash, J. Wang, M. M. Martirossyan, B. K. Ludlow, A. E. Baptista, N. M. Brown, E. J. Weissler, J. Abacousnac, S. J. Gerbode, “Local melting attracts grain boundaries in colloidal polycrystals,” Physical Review Letters 120, 018002 (2018).
Note: Chosen as Editor’s Suggestion and featured in APS Physics Focus story.
G. Guelou, M. Martirossyan, K. Ogata, I. Ohkubo, Y. Kakefuda, N. Kawamoto, Y. Kitagawa, J. Ueda, S. Tanabe, K. Maeda, K. Nakamura, T. Aizawa, T. Mori, “Rapid deposition and thermoelectric properties of ytterbium boride thin films using hybrid physical chemical vapor deposition,” Materialia 1, 244-248 (2018).
E. L. Warren, E. A. Makoutz, T. Saenz, M. Martirossyan, A. Matheson, A. Neumann, A. G. Norman, A. C. Tamboli, J. D. Zimmerman, W. E. McMahon, “Enabling Low-Cost III-V/Si Integration Through Nucleation Of GaP On V-Grooved Si Substrates,” paper presented at World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion (WCPEC) (2018).
Oral Presentations
- 2023 IAIFI Summer School, August 7–11, virtual.
- 2023 Crystal Growth & Assembly Gordon Research Conference, June 18–23, Manchester, NH.
- 2023 Crystal Growth & Assembly Gordon Research Seminar, June 17–18, Manchester, NH.
- 2023 APS March Meeting, March 5–10, Talk Q16.00008, Las Vegas, NV.
- 2022 MRS Fall Meeting, November 27–December 2, Talk SB05.03.04, Boston, MA.
- 2022 APS March Meeting, March 14–18, Talk K25.00003, Chicago, IL.
- 2021 AIChE Annual Meeting, November 7–11, Talk 438d, Boston, MA.
- 2021 APS March Meeting, March 15–19, Talk V07.00006, virtual.
- 2020 Cornell Nanoscale Facility Annual Meeting, September 10, virtual. Invited.
- 2017 APS March Meeting, March 13–17, Talk S17.00002, New Orleans, LA.
Honors and Awards
NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
Dolores Zohrab Liebmann Fund Fellowship
Don & Lauren Morel Graduate Fellowship in Materials Science
Rick & Betty Tsai Graduate Fellowship in Materials Science
Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU) US Graduate Scholarship
Armenian International Women’s Association (AIWA) Ethel Jafarian Duffett Scholarship
Maya is currently a volunteer with the Educational Programs Office at the Cornell Center for Materials Research and the Cornell Prison Education Program.
Maya is from Glendale, CA and in her free time enjoys playing violin, reading, hiking around Ithaca, and has started learning to figure skate since coming to Cornell. She has a cat named Emmy (after Emmy Noether) and far too many plants.